There are a lot of things that need cleaning your home that you normally skimp on. Nobody thinks about checking or inspecting their air ducts to make sure that they’re performing properly. But you should. Dirty air ducts lead to many problems, including dirty air quality and allergies. Clean air ducts can even save you money and make your HVAC system last longer. If your air ducts look dirty to you, that’s because they are. We’ll go into detail about the benefits of cleaning you air ducts routinely and how to go about it. AIR QUALITY IMPROVES Dust buildup in your home is inevitable. When your HVAC system takes air in to circulate it out, dust gets stuck in the air ducts. Studies have found that in normal homes, nearly 40 pounds of dust is created just by living in your home. Now think about all 40 pounds of dust airing through your home and resting in the ducts. Not a very pretty thing to think about, right? Since dust isn’t toxic, when it’s in the air it doesn’t m...